The Early Neston Collieries
Anthony would be interested to hear from anyone with new information, comments or queries on the early Neston collieries. Please use the form below or email:
Talks & Walks
To enquire about booking an illustrated talk or guided walk for your society or group please contact Anthony using the form below or the email address provided.
Twitter Feed
Anthony Annakin-Smith will be talking about the history of Parkgate this Wednesday 5th October, 7 p.m. on BBC 2 - p…
Amazing to think that this heavily industrialised scene from the 1920s is now a leafy, pleasant residential area. I…
Great reaction so far to the new website. If you're interested in industrial history or Che…
- site now relaunched with loads more information and pictures of the Neston coal mines. Take a look.
RT @nestoncolliery: I'm holding an evening talk about my new book "The Neston Collieries, 1759-1855" on Tuesday 28th January, from 6-7.…